National EV society European Mobility Fellowship Scheme

January 31, 2022

Dear all EV people,

In collaboration with other European national EV societies, we at the Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles (DSEV) have decided to initiate a European Mobility Fellowship Scheme.

The purpose of the Fellowship is to foster collaboration between the members of different European EV Societies. The Fellowship will enable Early Career Researchers (the applicants) to travel to another lab in Europe (the hosts) to develop their technical skills and enlarge their professional networks.

The Fellowship is intended for technicians, Ph.D. students, and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (≤ five years, excluding career breaks). There may be some exceptions, for example, suitable applications from master’s students. The Fellowship will be awarded by the applicant’s home National Society and will cover their travel and subsistence (but not bench fees and running costs) to work in a host lab in a different European country for between one and three months. The Fellowship will be max. 2.000 Euro.

Within the Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles, we expect to offer 1 Fellowship per year, announced later in 2022.

Deadline is 3rd of February to join as a host lab.


To initiate the Fellowship Scheme, we need to collect a list of potential hosting laboratories across Europe. So, please consider if your lab could be a hosting lab.

As a hosting laboratory, you are NOT obligated to host an applicant. You/ your lab will be listed as possible European hosting labs to which a potential applicant can reach out. If a match between applicant and host is found, a collaboration statement will fundament the application to the Mobility Fellowship Scheme.

If you would like to be hosting lab, please fill in this formula:

Deadline is 3rd of February.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the board of DSEV.